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Re: Hjælp mig med at lave en visual novel

: søn 30. jun 2013 21:16
af TMP
Tak til jer alle for feedbacket.

Det skal værdfald lige siges at vi ikke har bestemt os for genren eller historien endnu.
Dette betyder også at vi er åbent for alle forslag mht. historien og genre og design osv.

That's why I wanted to ask whether you did not have any more.. specific concepts or ideas in mind (except "love and drama")?

Unfortunately no, we do not have any idea how this is going to be. This also means that we are open to new ideas, whether it is the history, genre, design, everything as long as we all in the group agree to these ideas.
That is also why we did not have any specific detail about this project, other than what I wrote in the first post.

Igen hvis I er interesserede kan I altid skrive til mig på Skype eller mailen.

Re: Hjælp mig med at lave en visual novel

: man 1. jul 2013 02:00
af LiseR
I don't mind reading the script over, but I can't offer any volunteer work beyond that I'm afraid. I have an MA in English literature.