
Diskussion af Genki
Indlæg: 5638
Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand
Geografisk sted: København

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf SsjGogo » man 6. jan 2014 16:08

Der er ingen i denne tråd, der har angrebet kvaliteten af Genki, som messe.

Der er sat spørgsmålstegn ved administrationen, herunder at Roskilde Kongres Center og markante japanske personligheder i anime industrien ikke er blevet betalt større summer penge.

Det kan på sigt betyde, at japanere fra industrien vil undgå Danmark.

Så med alt respekt synes jeg denne "bitchen" er berettiget.

Indlæg: 3357
Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand
Geografisk sted: Himmellegemet Jorden, nærmere placering KBH

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf Gintoki » man 6. jan 2014 17:14

Shihoudani skrev:Men skal passe på med at foruddanne sig en mening når man ikke selv har været indblandet i hvad der er sket.
Jeg har ikke selv været med indover, men jeg holder meget af Genki som convention. Det her vil jo ikke rigtig have kæmpe indflydelse på den conoplevelse man får - personligt var Genki 2013 en af de bedste Genkis jeg har været til, så man skal lige huske at få de gode vigtige ting som stemningen og hyggen og hvad Genki egentlig betyder for en med før man går i 'bitch' mode.

Shihou out!

Personligt, så var Genki 2013 den værste con jeg har oplevet... uorganiseret ad helveds til, ren kaos.. Den bedste con jeg har været til var så Genki 2012.
Og jo, deres økonomiske situation og hele det her hurlumhej, får i den grad indflydelse på kommende conner. At de ikke har betalt en gæst fra japan siden 2012 og at denne gæst og dens manager ikke vil til DK igen i fremtiden, gør jo at connen har mindre at byde på i fremtiden. Endvidere, hvis det går helt grelt, så kan det betyde at der ikke kommer nogen Genki igen i fremtiden.

Back once again for the renegade master, default damager, power to the people!

Indlæg: 11
Tilmeldt: tirs 26. nov 2013 10:47

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf Tomikichiyu » tors 9. jan 2014 00:04

To whom that concern the situation

Of course, Allan Petersen didn`t pay the money on the January the 3rd after his beautiful announcement. I did not trust him for a second so it doesn`t shock me at all.

But I am seeing a positive solution by a third party now. I avoid to publish about it right now . I would like to believe this new hope.

I am sending Megumi Ogata (seiyu for Shinji Ikari/ Neon Genesis Evangelion) and Kappei Yamaguchi (L / Death Note, Usoppu / One Piece) to Finland in February. I clearly state that I will never work with any convention as long as I hear the name of Allan. And I will make the caution to Anime/Game industry people too.

Indlæg: 5638
Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand
Geografisk sted: København

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf SsjGogo » tors 9. jan 2014 10:02

Ovenstående bekræfter jo min frygt - de japanske gæster er blevet "f...ed" i sådan en grad, at de nu bevidst søger udenom Danmark.

Dette burde give stof til eftertanke!

Indlæg: 70
Tilmeldt: ons 11. maj 2011 22:51
Køn: Mand

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf Mickelvlm » tors 9. jan 2014 12:12

^ Udenom Allan er dog hvad han siger.

Indlæg: 11
Tilmeldt: tirs 26. nov 2013 10:47

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf Tomikichiyu » tors 9. jan 2014 12:36

Dear Gogo,

I understand your concern.
Now I realize that there are some people who can think of the reputation and word of mouth in Denmark. Especially you have my trust.

I should put this way (It`s almost the same text I sent you as an Email) for the people have same concern as Gogo.

I will not help any convention as long as Allan is involved. I will keep warning to other people the same thing too. And word of mouth is very efficient at here especially people sometimes have terrible time in the foreign countries such as US and Latin America.

If Allan is not involved, it`s different. But as I told you, the way Genki treated us wasn`t professional at all either. If I would work with Danish people again, I need to maintain so many conditions beforehands which shouldn`be problem at all. For example, we need a car for the transfer so we don`t have to be pick pocketed. Simply, I can work with the people who can stand on the professional state.

And I would not talk badly about Danish people but I have to answer how we were treated if I was asked. Of course, now I realize that there are responsible people too but still for us it`s kind of gambling to go to other countries. We have to cancel other jobs in Japan for that too. Please understand that going to abroad is not only for the money for the most of the artists but the communication and experience.

Of course, I will mention a lot about the people who had helping me to solve the problem. Because I thank for that a lot.

Indlæg: 11
Tilmeldt: tirs 26. nov 2013 10:47

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf Tomikichiyu » tors 9. jan 2014 12:54

Maybe you want to hear that Kohei Tanaka put LIKE on my post on Facebook which says some Danish people are cooperating with me to solve the problem about the incident.

Kohei is the top music composer in the anime business for 30years. He shouldn`t be underestimated how he is effective on the whole industry. I just don`t understand Allan in that sense at the most. Just making me think he is a crazy.

Indlæg: 5638
Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand
Geografisk sted: København

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf SsjGogo » tors 9. jan 2014 13:41

Mickelvlm skrev:^ Udenom Allan er dog hvad han siger.

Perhaps i should write this in english.

Allan/Eutaku is not and never will be my concern. Its important to remember that Allan was a part of a board - yes, he had the main responsibility/power - but in any case, we live in Denmark - the other members could have called the police or hired a lawyer - which Allans family succesfully did, if they felt that he was abusing his position.

Allans main responsibility lies in the fact, that he has, apperantly, been giving false promises to Shima and Tanaka, thereby giving them the hope of recieving their money - which did not happen.

Now - as I wrote earlier - my main concern is that other japanese artist will be influenced by this case, and avoid coming to Denmark. The negative view of the danish community has already been confirmed by Shima - and is understandable.

I mean - why would you fly half the planet to get screwed by some danish youngsters.

The other concern is,that Genkis reputation is ruined - this is not due to a discussion on a small homepage like, but due to the fact, that almost the entire community is slowly getting the whole picture of this case - and probably will avoid Genki in the future - or as long as the current board is in place.

(Og undskyld LiseR, hvis der er for meget grammatik, der er røget i farten! :))

Indlæg: 634
Tilmeldt: tors 22. dec 2011 02:01

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf psyg » tors 9. jan 2014 13:55

it is really sad and shameful treatment you have had from Genki and Allan, the money issue surprised me a great deal, I did not think the state of the danish conventions was that bad.

but I cant say im surprised by the treatment you received, generally I dont think danish conventions or fans are ready for foreign guests, and from what I have seen as a guest at both Genki and J-popcon, we really need to work hard at sorting out a great deal of issues before we should invite people to come here.

Tomikichiyu skrev:I just don`t understand Allan in that sense at the most. Just making me think he is a crazy.


Indlæg: 11
Tilmeldt: tirs 26. nov 2013 10:47

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf Tomikichiyu » tors 9. jan 2014 14:48


I am afraid you are right. Since we have only little knowledge about Denmark, the experience we had means a lot to other people doesn`t matter if it`s good or bad. For example, if some voice actor had terrible experience in Mexican convention. It definitely makes me be careful because I don`t know about them. There must be nice people in there too. But I have to rely on the reputation to start with.

Actually it was true story about the famous voice actor. And even Mexican convention had paid the money they promised. Needless to explain, making false promise for the money on purpose is absolutely criminal.

Yes, the rest of the Genki board could glove Allan`s neck and make him pay in front but they didn`t. And they tried to drop me off when Allan hired lawyer even though I made a deal with Genki but not Allan in person. They ensured Allan to pay me and I believed that words.

But what happened was me hiring the debt collector and lawyer with my own money from other side of the earth. Please imagine how stressful it is.

I am sure this problem contains cultural difference too. But I have been living in US, traveling many countries and working with them. I learned there are mutual commonsense too.

> psyg

Nice to meet you Psyg.

I can understand what you wrote in Japanese. He doesn`t give a shit about the Japanese guest because he only focuses on cosplay. Well, it just makes me think he is even more crazy. Then he should not invite us. He can steal the money from someone he doesn`t care.

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