
Diskussion af Genki
Indlæg: 1080
Tilmeldt: lør 13. aug 2011 22:59
Køn: Kvinde
Geografisk sted: Aalborg


Indlægaf kaas » lør 4. jan 2014 02:11

Jeg har lige postet dette blogindlæg. Dette er baseret på samtaler med flere involverede folk, hvilket i vil høre mere om senere. In short;
  • Genki skylder penge
  • Genki skulle have offentliggjort en pressemeddelelse om dette i går (d. 3.)
  • Genki skulle have betalt for længst
  • Intet af dette er sket

Mere følger...

Indlæg: 5638
Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand
Geografisk sted: København

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf SsjGogo » lør 4. jan 2014 11:08

Det er et beklageligt forløb, som også har medvirket til, at AniManga har måtte ophøre samarbejdet med Genki.

Jeg håber personligt, at de involverede japanere får deres penge, så vi også fremadrettet kan få gæster fra industrien i Japan til DK.

Sådan noget florerer hurtigt, og det vil være en skam, at hele miljøet i Danmark stemples, pga en bestyrelses manglende administration af økonomi.

Det kan tilføjes, at Allan Petersen fra Genki har givet sin version af sagen på

Dette skal naturligvis medtages i "regningen". Det billede matcher dog ikke helt, hvad de involverede parter, uafhængigt af hinanden, har fortalt. Dog har jeg ikke været involveret i forløbet, og kan ikke vurdere, hvem der taler sandt.

I alle tilfælde håber jeg, at gælden dækkes og vreden lindres i Japan.

Indlæg: 11
Tilmeldt: tirs 26. nov 2013 10:47

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf Tomikichiyu » lør 4. jan 2014 14:20


This is Hideyuki Shima who is standing in the center of this problem caused by Allan and Genki. Gogo invited me in this discussion. 1st of all, I am sorry that I can not speak an Danish so, if you allowed me to be in this discussion, I`d appreciate to continue in English. I believe this forum is only for the member so I can publish many more things at here. But I will not mention any names except a few includes Allan and Kohei Tanaka.

If you have any question, please feel free to ask me in this forum.

We can slowly start talking about that issue. 1st of all, let me copy and paste the letter I sent to Gogo the other day. It can explain the basic story of the case.

- what led to mr. Tanaka attending Genki?

I met Allan in the Feb,2012 for the 1st time at Desucon Frostbite in Finland, He said that he wants to bring Japanese famous artists to Denmark. And I suggested Tanaka. I know Tanaka quite well and I thought he would be the best for the 1st guest. Allan discussed about this issue with the others then made a decision. He agreed about the guarantee and other costs ( flight, hotel and food) so that the deal was made.

- what happened afterwards?

Would like to say that the way Genki hosted us was totally horrible too. Start from that Allan didn't even open the important business messages before going. Once we get there, Tanaka's manager was pickpocketed because they made us take train, interpreter didn't show up, driver didn't show up, Tanaka's piano wasn't arranged, Stuff were having loud party at Tanaka's back stage room, Tanaka's talk show and speech were suddenly cancelled and etc, etc.. Tanaka's manager was angry all the time. Sad to say but whole trip wasn't good memory at all.

Nevertheless, concert was good. It was packed by many people and they seemed to like it. That was great. I was relieved that the general people were at least pleased.

Then we went back to Japan. Money supposed to be paid soon after. But I heard from one of the stuff(N) that they are kicking out Allan from Genki because all the money Genki has made is gone from the account and Allan didn't even pay the money to Losklide congress center. They made Allan sign on the contract to pay all the previous debt includes our money. Nadia promised to take responsibility to make Allan pay us. I made a deal with Genki but not Allan personally so it doesn't matter they change the director but I trusted the N.

Then stupid chase has began. Allan said that he sent the money to us so many times but according to him, some transaction failed, tax office stopped it, money wasn't enough and etc, etc, now I know those were all bullshit. Then Allan said he will borrow the money from his father. Of course there were no money arrived after that at all too. And I contacted Allan's brother to ask for the help. I don't know what has really happened by this action because Allan's brother has never replied me but according to Allan and Genki people, Allan's father was angry about the situation that only Allan has to pay the money to us so that he hired the lawyer.

This made N and the other stuff (L) try to abandon the responsibility. According to N, she doesn't want to ruin her career for this legal shit. I was shocked by there irresponsible attitude. I waited for the money because Genki promised to make Allan pay me. It doesn't matter that they change their director. So, I told them to pay if they stop accusing Allan. But they don't have money because Allan was the only person who can access to the Genki's account. This sounds so stupid.

They didn't fight with Allan in the court. They didn't want to accuse Allan no more. They broke the promise. I went like what a fuck?

I told N and L that I will have to take public stunt about this incident to ask for the help. The people from all around the world will know about them and Genki. I guess this shocked them. They immediately had meeting and decide to give Genki back to Allan. They only wanted to continue Genki without Allan without taking the responsibility.

Then after I heard that Allan's lawyer also admitted the Allan's responsibility to make the payment. Of course, same business continued. Allan said that he sent money but never arrived.

I decided to hire Incasso, the debt collector in Europe. Allan said he will contact them Incasso tried to reach Allan but they reported that Allan is actively avoiding the contact. A few months later, they suggested to take the legal action with their representative so I did. But the court could not catch Allan either. It's not surprise but Allan's official registered address is all false. Now the police is trying to find him. He is very active in his Facebook but never write about the exact location of his residence and office.

I am trying my best to make Allan pay the money which is his god damn responsibility. I am taking many unspoken actions. And I will never stop. This is not only for the money but for Tanaka. I presume Allan May thought it would be so easy to get away from this but that's not true.


Indlæg: 1596
Tilmeldt: man 9. maj 2011 14:38
Køn: Kvinde
Geografisk sted: i mine bukser

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf LiseR » lør 4. jan 2014 16:55

Unfortunately this fits very well with rumours I have heard about the chaos that is Genki behind the scenes. I hope the issue resolves itself and the con will run more smoothly in the future, should it survive.
Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

Indlæg: 2044
Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf JoaCHIP » lør 4. jan 2014 18:35

Hello Mr. Shima,
It is quite painful for an outsider like me to read about such a mistreatment of an important artist like Mr. Tanaka.

Now, as you obviously don't understand the above comments in danish, I would like to point out that today, Allan announced something about all this in public HERE. It is a rather strange letter in my opinion, full of both apoligies, self contradictions and illogical explanations that don't quite seem to make sense.

The anime community in Denmark is small. I believe it probably is too in Japan (in relative measures), and I fear that this entire incident might scare other japanese artists away from making agreements with danish anime/manga conventions in the future - and that would be sad.

I don't speak on behalf of any convention or such, but I don't think this is the way most people here like to do business. I'm glad you stepped forward, because these things have to stop before more damage is done. These things certainly need to come out in the open.

Indlæg: 70
Tilmeldt: ons 11. maj 2011 22:51
Køn: Mand

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf Mickelvlm » lør 4. jan 2014 18:47

Allan's post seems to be written in quite a hurry (as it says it's being updated little by little), and he asks for people to give their opinions and questions in the comments. As far as I see no one have written anything negative or questions there yet, maybe people should voice their minds more?

Indlæg: 5638
Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand
Geografisk sted: København

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf SsjGogo » lør 4. jan 2014 19:02

Som Shima skriver, så har han ytret sine frustrationer i 11/2 år.

Indlæg: 78
Tilmeldt: man 9. maj 2011 22:09
Køn: Mand
Geografisk sted: København

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf Eutaku » lør 4. jan 2014 21:31

Hey, svarer lige den første post her kort og konkret, Allan her i øvrigt for dem der ikke ved det.

* Ja, Genki skylder stadig penge. Pengene til Shima ordnes via inkasso, som har sent et betalingsbrev der er i posten, og betales af partner så snart den kommer.

* Pressemeddelelsen var af mig selv, og ikke af Genki. Gogo har linket til den i sit indlæg.

* Årsagerne til den forlængede betalingsperiode er forklaret i pressemeddelelsen. Hvis der er konkrette spørgsmål til det, så skriv det venligst som en kommentar der, så der er til offentligt rådighed for alle som ønsker konkrete svar.

Le Critique
Le Critique
Indlæg: 3147
Tilmeldt: søn 8. maj 2011 19:17

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf l.mathiasen » lør 4. jan 2014 22:14

Ud fra de rygter der går rundt omkring tror jeg vi ikke har set bare toppen af isbjerget. Hvis jeg var Genki ville jeg nok tage tyrene ved hornene og være 100 procent ærlige omkring ALT, men det kommer jo nok ikke til at ske. Kan man overhovedet være sikker på en con i år hvis man køber en billet? dansk anime discord

Indlæg: 70
Tilmeldt: ons 11. maj 2011 22:51
Køn: Mand

Re: Genki?

Indlægaf Mickelvlm » lør 4. jan 2014 22:23

Jeg har (havde) *slettet* forsøgt at omformulere visse dele af Eutakus indlæg og proppe mere struktur ind, hvis nogen skulle have lyst til at læse igennem det igen. Ikke for at være nazi med korrekturen, men jeg har fået et stærkt indtryk af, at folk pga. mangel på strukturering, har svært ved at forstå dele af/komme igennem indlægget.

Ret mig endelig: Det der ikke er direkte citeret, og som jeg har omformuleret i forskellige grader, er hvordan jeg selv har forstået det. Eutaku er også velkommen til at tage notits af mine ændringer, hvis han vil - det er trods alt udelukkende for at hjælpe. :)
Senest rettet af Mickelvlm fre 23. maj 2014 12:14, rettet i alt 1 gang.

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