"Min" Genki oplevelse 2012

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Indlæg: 2319
Tilmeldt: tirs 10. maj 2011 08:46
Køn: Kvinde
Geografisk sted: in a world of pure imagination

Re: "Min" Genki oplevelse 2012

Indlægaf ReficulNatas » tirs 21. aug 2012 11:02

Artist Alley var langs den gang hvor du fandt mig Zenia :kys:
Do thou amend thy face, and I'll amend mine life.

Indlæg: 136
Tilmeldt: man 11. jul 2011 10:28
Køn: Kvinde

Re: "Min" Genki oplevelse 2012

Indlægaf Zenia » tirs 21. aug 2012 11:09

Stine, ja, men synes ikke at der var så meget ved den, det hele var meget splittet. :/

Indlæg: 117
Tilmeldt: man 16. maj 2011 14:14
Køn: Kvinde
Geografisk sted: Åbyhøj, Århus

Re: "Min" Genki oplevelse 2012

Indlægaf Concreteface » tirs 21. aug 2012 11:38

Mht. afstanden til sovesalene, så synes JEG altså, der var for langt. Det kan da godt være, der er andre conner, hvor afstanden er længere, men det ændrer da ikke på min/andres mening.
Jeg tror dog også, at min mening er stærkt farvet af hvor elendige sovesalene var, og at jeg havde smadret min ene fod, men nok om det.

Indlæg: 115
Tilmeldt: ons 11. maj 2011 21:59
Køn: Mand

Re: "Min" Genki oplevelse 2012

Indlægaf MADAO » tirs 21. aug 2012 14:06

I was in charge of cinema and quizzes in there, so as a staffer not much time to enjoy the rest of the con..

I enjoyed both opening and closing ceremonies, although I could not entirely relate Okama Boys to J-popculture so much.. Concert by Kohei Tanaka was sublime, so I am glad we invited an entertainer, as the guest himself mentioned it during his closing speech.

It is indeed sad that no deal between Castello's Pizzeria was in effect.. :(


Btw, Kohei Tanaka's name is mentioned in the con-book 8 times, I think, and only one typo. But then again, a typo is in a headline..

The choice of color was indeed unfortunate, maybe it is about time Genki hired a designer with a university degree? Correct choice of color for text and background is among the first things they learn, as far as I remember. I also agree highlighting the way to the sleep halls may have been wiser, as using the last two pages of the con-book more productively.

EVENTS, general

I think there were 13 events on main stage, 15 hours in total in the program - if we exclude opening&closing - and 6 of them had the word "cosplay" in them, while around 40% of the time main stage was vacant.. In comparison, small stage was occupied with events for 16 hours in total, cinema had 12 hours dedicated to events, quizzes and panels AND ran anime/movies 24/7.
How interesting, the cinema was the most effectively used location..

It was quite an upgrade, large location in hope of more air to breathe, but the heat ruined it.. I heard my colleague complain that fresh air was a problem. Also, lots of ppl literally moving in with all their belongings, but I suppose I should blame the sleeping hall and its policy for kicking ppl out with their belongings?

Looked great, I think that customer flow was somewhat better arranged. My own opinion, I think it was somewhat odd to see how one of the salesmen called out to some of the customers and pushed them into buying yaoi...
Also, I would've somehow blocked the small stage with some curtains from outer noises..


Not much to say, I suppose, my colleague told me that overall in went well and it looked the same as last year when i visited it sometime on Saturday and Sunday, to take a look. I should say that this year maid dresses were on a totally different level, personnel was very happy and thankful :)


For the first time ever, we ran a real cinema and we ran it for 24/7. Unlike 60-70 seats before, we had around 400 seats and screen bigger than some real cinemas.
We included more movies, also one from South Korea and one from Taiwan, even added a concert to the program.
Program consisted of titles ppl knew beforehand, unlike previous years. Number of our quizzes almost doubled and unlike before, I encouraged two of my colleagues to host a quiz of their own.
While "Sound of Anime", "Guess a Quote", and "Guess/Name the Character" quizzes were held since 2009, more new quizzes appeared: Aniota and Seiyuu themed quizzes, image-based quizzes and "anime dubbing" became an official quiz this year.
Overall, I think more ppl appeared at our events this year.

An answer to criticism about some of our quizzes:

"Sound of Anime" quiz runs for three days because its difficulty rises and only 10 ppl are chosen for the finals on Sunday. Hence, I usually help the contestants on the last day, which is welcomed. Frankly, I think that ppl gonna cheat no matter what if they wanna cheat, so I think the candy point system is fine as it is, although I will need to look into more healthy solutions, while still rewarding the public for their correct answers ;)

While one person here is crying out loud that this quiz should progress in some way, I wish to inform you that progress in my case is more global - I create more different quizzes and optimize those that seem to be popular, like dubbing, voice-acting and random fun, while some of the core quizzes are left untouched to reward ppl who know their anime well.
Also, "Name that Character" quiz consisted of roughly 50 images and max. 20% of them were recycled-material, which is still a lot, if you ask me, but I cannot push in a country where only 5 ppl watch anime and majority only cosplays, sometimes characters they have no clue about..

Overall, I think it went remarkably well :D

Indlæg: 779
Tilmeldt: man 9. maj 2011 14:53
Køn: Kvinde
Geografisk sted: Herning

Re: "Min" Genki oplevelse 2012

Indlægaf *Wish* » ons 22. aug 2012 12:22

Jeg tillader mig at linke til min blog, hvor jeg har skrevet en conrapport. Der kommer også et blogindlæg mere senere omkring udvalgte områder.

Indlæg: 191
Tilmeldt: lør 28. maj 2011 10:30
Køn: Mand
Geografisk sted: Egebjerg, Ballerup

Re: "Min" Genki oplevelse 2012

Indlægaf Jok » tors 23. aug 2012 10:29


Btw, Kohei Tanaka's name is mentioned in the con-book 8 times, I think, and only one typo. But then again, a typo is in a headline..

The choice of color was indeed unfortunate, maybe it is about time Genki hired a designer with a university degree? Correct choice of color for text and background is among the first things they learn, as far as I remember. I also agree highlighting the way to the sleep halls may have been wiser, as using the last two pages of the con-book more productively.

Or just don't make it 24 hours before printing...
‹Lukas› -_- Gin-chan du skal ikke sprøjte på mig

Indlæg: 1596
Tilmeldt: man 9. maj 2011 14:38
Køn: Kvinde
Geografisk sted: i mine bukser

Re: "Min" Genki oplevelse 2012

Indlægaf LiseR » tors 23. aug 2012 17:04

Everything just seemed late this year and there seems to have been a lot of fuckups in communication. I assume there are some staff changes going on and some competence that wants development.
Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

Indlæg: 487
Tilmeldt: ons 2. nov 2011 18:47
Køn: Kvinde
Geografisk sted: Vester Hornum (Mikro by. Hvis i kender den får i et kram!) :D

Re: "Min" Genki oplevelse 2012

Indlægaf NekoMaliChan » tors 23. aug 2012 19:03

Jeg syntes at kritikken af værterne er lidt hård. Det kan godt være de kludrede rundt i engelsk og dansk, men de var ekstremt underholdende i forhold til andre conner. Jeg syntes personligt at de var herlige at se på, og de gjorde det næsten sjovere end nogle af de acts der var :D

Jeg har ikke så meget kritik andet end at da mig og nogle venner skulle tjekke ind på sovesalen var der et eller andet galt. Jeg tror det var fordi de havde fyldt pladserne i hallen ud, men jeg er ikke sikker. Derfor blev vi henvist til et klasselokale, hvor vi jo bare pakkede ud og gik over til selve connen. Da vi så kom tilbage var vi af en eller anden grund blevet flyttet til et andet lokale. Og under hele connen blev der konstant flyttet rundt på mine ting i rummet, hvilket var ekstremt frustrerende. Det var vidst pga. brandsikkerhed, men det kunne da have været rart at vide inden.
Derudover var der nogen andre fra vores lokale der fik deres ting flyttet mens de ikke var der. Da de kom tilbage kunne de slet ikke finde deres ting. Senere var der så blevet lagt et stykke papir ind hvor de havde sovet, hvor der stod hvor de var blevet flyttet hen, men det er da ikke specielt fedt at man skal jagte sine ting rundt... (N)

Og syntes lidt at det er ufedt at det ikke blev gjort klart hvor werewolf blev afholdt lørdag. Mig og en ven måtte løbe hele connen rundt for at finde det, da det ikke var i salen hvor det havde været aftenen inden. Det syntes jeg måske der kunne have været noget info om, da det jo var et event der stod på programmet under det lokale og alt muligt..


Indlæg: 335
Tilmeldt: søn 13. nov 2011 22:19
Køn: Kvinde
Geografisk sted: Egebjerg, Ballerup

Re: "Min" Genki oplevelse 2012

Indlægaf Kitty » tors 23. aug 2012 20:24

NekoMaliChan skrev:Jeg syntes at kritikken af værterne er lidt hård. Det kan godt være de kludrede rundt i engelsk og dansk, men de var ekstremt underholdende i forhold til andre conner. Jeg syntes personligt at de var herlige at se på, og de gjorde det næsten sjovere end nogle af de acts der var :D

Jeg har ikke så meget kritik andet end at da mig og nogle venner skulle tjekke ind på sovesalen var der et eller andet galt. Jeg tror det var fordi de havde fyldt pladserne i hallen ud, men jeg er ikke sikker. Derfor blev vi henvist til et klasselokale, hvor vi jo bare pakkede ud og gik over til selve connen. Da vi så kom tilbage var vi af en eller anden grund blevet flyttet til et andet lokale. Og under hele connen blev der konstant flyttet rundt på mine ting i rummet, hvilket var ekstremt frustrerende. Det var vidst pga. brandsikkerhed, men det kunne da have været rart at vide inden.
Derudover var der nogen andre fra vores lokale der fik deres ting flyttet mens de ikke var der. Da de kom tilbage kunne de slet ikke finde deres ting. Senere var der så blevet lagt et stykke papir ind hvor de havde sovet, hvor der stod hvor de var blevet flyttet hen, men det er da ikke specielt fedt at man skal jagte sine ting rundt... (N)

Og syntes lidt at det er ufedt at det ikke blev gjort klart hvor werewolf blev afholdt lørdag. Mig og en ven måtte løbe hele connen rundt for at finde det, da det ikke var i salen hvor det havde været aftenen inden. Det syntes jeg måske der kunne have været noget info om, da det jo var et event der stod på programmet under det lokale og alt muligt..


Hmm Var det dig og en anden , der kom hen og spurgte de 2 vagter der sad ved den sort/gule afspærring, i dealer? :D
Kitty: Hvilken valuta skal man veksle til, når vi skal til SVS?

Indlæg: 115
Tilmeldt: ons 11. maj 2011 21:59
Køn: Mand

Re: "Min" Genki oplevelse 2012

Indlægaf MADAO » fre 24. aug 2012 10:46

Jok skrev:

Btw, Kohei Tanaka's name is mentioned in the con-book 8 times, I think, and only one typo. But then again, a typo is in a headline..

The choice of color was indeed unfortunate, maybe it is about time Genki hired a designer with a university degree? Correct choice of color for text and background is among the first things they learn, as far as I remember. I also agree highlighting the way to the sleep halls may have been wiser, as using the last two pages of the con-book more productively.

Or just don't make it 24 hours before printing...

I know that it wasn't. It is all about quality control..

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