Neuralt netværk: Naruto vs Godzilla

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Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand

Neuralt netværk: Naruto vs Godzilla

Indlægaf JoaCHIP » lør 31. aug 2019 17:59

Okay, så man skriver en sætning, og så gør robotten historien færdig. Jeg skrev "It was the first time Naruto have had to fight Godzilla, and he was not sure if his ninja skills would suffice", og så fortsætter det sådan her:

"He felt his nerves. He was scared to even attack Godzilla.

As Naruto approached Godzilla, Godzilla took on Naruto, and he was able to quickly finish off the creature. He took no damage, and managed to get away by using the Force of the Land, and his newly awakened sense of smell, along with the power of his own body, to get away.

Naruto was able to find a cave to hide in after the battle, though he had no sense of his surroundings. Naruto was now confident that he could defeat Godzilla in this way. With his newfound confidence, Naruto moved on to Kami's Lookout, and set off toward the coast.

He eventually caught up with a group of marine creatures near the coastline of Konohagakure, and found himself in much need of water. Upon entering the secluded area inside of the mountain, Naruto discovered his body glowing, and was able to get out of the cave.

As he found a stream of water nearby, Naruto prepared to find water. However, a huge rock caught... "

Indlæg: 2044
Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand


Indlægaf JoaCHIP » søn 1. sep 2019 04:00

Move your body. Move your soul. Move your spirit. You will move with the force of your will, a powerful and powerful force." -Marilynne Robinson-

Now, I'm going to give a little bit of background here.

This event and the reason I'm speaking here are both related to our team and our team's journey in their journey through their past, present and future. As the saying goes, "we will move together". At a certain point, there needs to be an effort. We have come this far, and we have made such profound strides as a team. The only one who can change your life, the only one who knows what you want, is YOU.

So, if you understand what I'm saying, please take a moment to watch what this person (Kenny) does. I know many have watched him grow more confident and calm as a person, but not enough people know where he's gone from where he's been.

He's changed.

But what does all this Mean?

Indlæg: 2044
Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand

Vidunderligt gak-gak

Indlægaf JoaCHIP » søn 1. sep 2019 04:30

Make sure to write the error message in a way that even unexperienced users will have a chance to understand. It's better to explain too much than too little. Avoid making your error message ambiguous or confusing, even the most important parts.

Here's a simple example:

// this statement is not very helpful; do not use it.

A more informative error message would be:

// this statement is not very helpful; do not use it.

As it turns out, using the correct syntax makes no difference. The code in question is correct whether or not it is quoted.

This isn't to say that you should never use quotation marks. There are cases when quote-marks make a big difference, such as for quoted constants and operators. To quote the code:

// this statement is not very helpful; do not use it.

// This code will not compile unless you use quotation marks.

This is an example of a valid, unambiguous error message.

Indlæg: 2181
Tilmeldt: lør 7. maj 2011 18:35
Køn: Mand
Geografisk sted: 輪場

Re: Neuralt netværk: Naruto vs Godzilla

Indlægaf nielsm » søn 1. sep 2019 17:20

Det blev noget lidt andet end forventet.
A ninja, a Gundam, and a magical girl walked into a bar.

In a world where women weren't allowed to fight as equals, the young men turned their guns on the bar owner, hoping to avenge his father. But the bar owner isn't the bad guy.

He's only the product of a twisted society, forced to sell his soul to the evil Emperor.

After being brainwashed into becoming the Emperor's servant, he's finally allowed to fight for himself. But what will he fight for when evil from all over the world returns to steal his soul?

How many super robots does it take to change a light bulb? Take our quiz and find out!

The story can be found here.


Why did the pokemon cross the road? I tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen. I tried to get them to wait for me, but I couldn't hear it. I think that's why I heard something in the night. If someone is going to attack, you have to move faster. I felt myself getting colder so I ran for the bridge. I heard them coming. I ran towards the bridge. It looked like the pokemon could cross, I didn't know why the pokemon wouldn't listen. I couldn't stop them from crossing the road because you are a pokemon. You could turn off the lights, but if the pokemon got confused at night it would just run away without turning off. I finally got them to turn off their lights and I couldn't see my pokemon anymore. I thought I had seen them, I couldn't see what they were. I ran away from the pokemon. It looked like the pokemon could get lost. But it was a pokemon like me. It couldn't hide, it had to get around the road and walk. I ran until I fell over and I got back up

Indlæg: 2044
Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand

Re: Neuralt netværk: Naruto vs Godzilla

Indlægaf JoaCHIP » søn 1. sep 2019 20:22

En hel serie - baseret på Neon Genesis Evangelion:

Indlæg: 2363
Tilmeldt: tors 17. nov 2011 20:45
Køn: Mand
Geografisk sted: 62°00'N on an island beneath the stars

Neuralt netværk: Naruto vs Godzilla

Indlægaf Tanerion » man 2. sep 2019 02:17

Go frickin' eat a duck. It was the first time they'd ever had beef. It was the first time he'd ever killed a duck. He didn't know how a duck went down at any level.

"He was like an afterthought," said his father.

Kenny was a little older than his son, but he still had long, thick brown hair. He had the wide smile and good-natured humor that his dad loved. He never got angry when it became important that he didn't be out in public. When he spoke, there was always that smile.

In August of '94, the family moved from the Upper West Side to a little house that belonged to an aunt who lived in the East Village. Before this trip, Kenny had never been to the East Village, and now he lived there every day. He didn't have much to do there. That is, until he was asked to be part of the World Series-winning team. The Yankees brought him to the Bronx with a dozen of his siblings, and every night, he and his

JoaCHIP skrev:
So, if you understand what I'm saying, please take a moment to watch what this person (Kenny) does.

Ham der Kenny går igen.

Fuck you, Jack! Call me an ambulance already! No, no, I'm fine. This is my fault. I shouldn't be wearing those leggings! I wasn't supposed to wear them!"

The ambulance has arrived and it pulls up to the nearest door. "Mr. Heins, you may enter," the driver says.

The paramedics walk straight up to me, and they take my hands. "What's going on, Mr. Heins?" they ask. "The doctors say your son suffers from leishmaniasis. Is it serious?"

"Yes, sir," I says.

"The treatment involves giving him a medicine injected into his bloodstream. Do you remember what it was? A combination called loperamide?"


"It'll kill his leishmaniasis, but will cause a dangerous skin reaction. Give him that medicine and let's go!"

They wheel me out of the ambulance to the waiting room and hold my hand as they carry me to the hospital bed. I give a weak smile at the nurses, and then

i like big butts and i cannot lie, my brother also likes big butts and cannot tell the truth, how will you escape our dungeon? i like big butts. i am about to fall for him. you must be pretty good-looking for him"

"Yes, you're one of the four" the woman replied.

"Oh. I think you are the same"

"You're too good-looking. How can you do that on your own"

"Maybe I just have a bad habit" said the little girl with a smile on her face.

"Oh you, you don't have a bad habit"

"You're not the type to worry about such things" said her. I think she's lying as she said, the little girl is a very easy person, although she's shy.

"I will become your friend" she answered me.

"I will take you to the dungeon" said the little girl. She will be waiting outside waiting for me to return, she likes all of your games

One was a racing horse, two was one too. One won one race, two won one too. The game was for the winning horse, but the loser was out of the game, but one player wasn't in the same game as the other at once, and that's where the confusion began." "It is very simple," said Pansy. "You've just chosen a number between 0 and 9, and we each go to a pile of coins. If we can find at least one coin that is exactly 2 points higher than any of the other ones in that pile, that's our victory. That's easy enough, and when it was over, the players were all laughing." "Not yet, my dear," said the boy. "Now you must decide, who gets to go first, and it's all one big party, or two little parties, each of which gets at least one player in it but nobody in it at the same time. After that we play another round, and then we draw again, and we continue all the way to the end. It is a bit difficult, I must tell you, but it's not so difficult as it looks

How old are you, princess? Are you older than I am?"

Diana sighed and leaned back against the tree. "Yes," she answered.

Hannah and her little friends began to laugh. "What are your hobbies?" Hannah asked. "Playing video games, or doing all that fancy stuff? Don't you need to earn something to survive? What about that house you want to remodel?"

"Well, it's not like we don't have enough money, anyway," Diana replied. "My parents and I made good money before we married," she added with a laugh. "But we only paid off one, and we want to keep it, so we've been moving from place to place, but my parents…they didn't know what to do. They were a little too old to start a family, and I'm sure both my parents would have regretted starting anything else just because of that."

"You said you have a house. Where's it now?" Hannah asked.

"In the big white room in the attic, where I made it
Clarissa: Well yeah...but it just sounds scary, even if you say it's not supposed to hurt. You and your damn logical thinking.
vinamara: Tanerion is doubtlessly an Otaku who's obviously more than qualified! (and yes, this is something to be proud about)
Arni!: Tanerion, tú ert so ókul, at tú ert kul!

Indlæg: 2044
Tilmeldt: tors 21. apr 2011 20:26
Køn: Mand

Re: Neuralt netværk: Naruto vs Godzilla

Indlægaf JoaCHIP » tors 5. sep 2019 23:25

Ha ha, fedt.

Men HVEM ER KENNY? Vi må vide det. ;D

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